A Painless Process - Houston’s work with Parentline

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An organisation in the heart of our community works tirelessly to provide hope and create safe spaces for vulnerable children. Parentline, founded in 1978 by the visionary Maxine Hodgson, works with children who have been traumatised by abuse and domestic violence. They also provide advice and support to parents and caregivers alongside counselling for children who present with challenging behaviours in the classroom and playground.

The Vision: “Maru i te Whaanau, Maru i te Tamariki”, Safe family, safe child.

These words encapsulate Parentline’s vision. Sue Hardley, the dedicated CEO, succinctly describes their work as “investing in the lives of our vulnerable children.” It’s a commitment that transcends mere words—a commitment etched into the very fabric of Parentline.

Houston’s Impact: From Cloud Migration to Dual Monitors

Houston has worked with Parentline to improve the efficiency of their kaimahi through rapid technology deployment so they can focus on the important work they do with children.

These projects range from the simple to the more complex including:

1. Dual Monitor Upgrade: Houston equipped Parentline’s offices with dual monitors, allowing staff to multitask seamlessly. It’s a small change with a significant impact that Parentline recounted as boosting productivity extremely.

2. Cloud Migration: Houston orchestrated the migration of Parentline’s systems to the cloud which not only streamlined operations but also ensured data security and scalability.

3. Microsoft 365 Adoption: Parentline is now entirely on the Microsoft 365 domain giving them flexibility, scalability and security as well as a unified platform to take advantage of modern tools like Microsoft 365 Copilot.

Sue’s Gratitude: A Painless Process

Sue’s gratitude spills over like sunlight through an open window. She shares, “Houston choreographed a painless process with their technicians going the extra mile by being very meticulous in understanding our needs and designing solutions that fit our budget and our requirements.”

During the rollout, “the Houston team was thorough and instantly accessible for any problem that arose. This went a long way towards building trust between Houston and the Parentline team, a trust that has been strengthened even more since the completion of the project.”

The work Houston has done for Parentline has allowed them to abstract responsibility for what are non-core services to third parties so that they could focus on their fundamental business of working with the children and families.

Join the Movement

Visit Parentline’s website to learn more about their incredible work.

And if you’re curious about Houston’s work, reach out to us. Let’s build a future where technology serves humanity, where compassion meets innovation.


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